Please enable JavaScript to access this page. The Journals: Why God?

Diskon Lazada

16 February 2015

Why God?

Why God?
I wonder why God made us not to be meant for only one person we destined to be with
Why not made only one love that would be made specially right for us.
Why we have to meet wrong person with wrong love before we can meet the right one.
Why that wrong one felt so perfectly right for us.
Why we can love more than one person we destined to be with.
Why you let us to give everything we had to the wrong one when we did not know that was wrong.

Thereafter, Why You made us feel hurt, and 
Why we have to when we barely know that is the wrong choice.
Why don't just God make us to be destined with one person so there would be no affair and misunderstand.
So we would only fight for the love of that one and feel absolute true for us.
So that we won't feel hurt, heartbroken, lost, frustrated, depressed and misunderstood.
So that each of us know the person we were going to be with.
So that we would not lost in wander of who is our lover, who we give our love to, who are going to love
Because in the end we know that one person would not be missing and always be there for each of us.

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